Announcing: FarmBot Genesis v1.7 documentation!

As of November 22, 2023, the default version of the Genesis documentation is for v1.7. If you have an older kit, please use the version picker dropdown menu in the top left of the documentation hub’s navigation to select an older version of the docs.

FarmBot Genesis is our top-of-the-line FarmBot model designed with the most features and flexibility. It is suitable for growing food with the highest level of precision, running complex experiments, and capable of being easily modified and extended to do more.

Genesis is available in two sizes: Genesis and Genesis XL as shown in the table below.

Model Gantry Width Track Length Area Max Plant Height
Genesis 1.5m 3m 4.5m2 0.5m
Genesis XL 3m 6m 18m2 0.5m

Genesis and Genesis XL share many of the same components and assembly steps. This documentation covers the assembly, bill of materials, troubleshooting tips, and more of both models. When certain information only applies to one model or the other, there will be clear indication.

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