Installation tips

Watch the short video below to understand how to provide power, water, and an internet connection to your FarmBot in a safe a reliable way.

Organize your parts

90% pre-assembled in the box

Starting with FarmBot Genesis v1.7, the kit now comes 90% pre-assembled in the box, saving you significant time and effort.

When you first open up your FarmBot kit, pull out all of the pre-assemblies, individual components, and part bags so that you develop a full idea of what’s included. Place everything on a table or work surface that will prevent the loss of any small parts. Ensure there are no parts remaining in the packaging before recycling.

Handle with care

The aluminum extrusions may have sharp corners and edges.

If anything is missing or damaged, let us know right away at to request replacement parts.

Plan accordingly

Be prepared to spend the following amount of time assembling your FarmBot. Remember, these are just assembly time estimations. Depending on your skill level you may need more or less time. Consider assembling FarmBot with a friend to significantly speed things up and help reduce mistakes.

Subassembly Genesis Genesis XL
Tracks 30 minutes 1 hour
Gantry 1 hour 1.5 hours
Cross-Slide + Z-Axis 30 minutes 30 minutes
Cables and Tubing 30 minutes 30 minutes
Electronics Box 30 minutes 30 minutes
TOTAL 3 hours 4 hours

The time estimates above assume you have already prepared supporting infrastructure for your FarmBot, such as a raised bed.

Open up the full assembly video

We’ve prepared a full assembly video that walks you through the entire process of assembling your FarmBot. We recommend keeping the video open in one tab and following along with the written instructions in another tab.

What’s next?