Mods and Add-Ons
Ideas for changing and extending the capabilities of your FarmBot
FarmBot Genesis has been designed to be a platform for growing plants in any way you want. What comes out-of-the-box is just the beginning of what is possible. In the following documentation pages we share just a handful of ideas for what more you can do with your FarmBot. Go ahead and explore!
What’s next?
- Capture and Use Rainwater
DIY instructions for installing and using a rain barrel in conjunction with FarmBot
- Turn FarmBot into a Weather Station
DIY instructions for adding weather station capabilities to your FarmBot
- Monitor Resource Usage
DIY instructions for monitoring the water and electricity your FarmBot uses
- Power FarmBot with Solar
DIY instructions for powering your FarmBot with a dedicated, off-grid solar energy system
- Use FarmBot as a 3D CNC Camera Rig
Use FarmBot to move a camera around in three dimensions for fun videography!
- Complete the Cycle with Compost
DIY instructions for using a dual chamber compost tumbler with FarmBot
- Add a Webcam to FarmBot
DIY instructions for adding a webcam to your FarmBot + usage examples
- Control Lights with FarmBot
DIY instructions for installing and controlling LED or grow lights with FarmBot
- Bees, Worms, Chickens, and More!
Supplement your home food system with these other open source kits
- Take Time Lapse Plant Photography
DIY instructions for using FarmBot to control camera equipment for time lapse photography of your plants growing
- Put FarmBot in a Greenhouse
Combine FarmBot with an affordable greenhouse for year-round food production